



Our Clinic



Our Clinic



Paedeatric Eye

Children’s Eye Care

As parents, we understand that your children’s health is a top priority, and their vision is no exception. That’s why our experienced team of ophthalmologists specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases in children.

Common Eye Problems for Kids.


Far-sightedness (Hyperopia)

Near-sightedness (Myopia) 


Lazy eye (amblyopia)

Occurs when one of your kid’s eye sees clearly while the other is blurry. This will cause them to rely more heavily on one eye.


Allergic eye reactions are triggered by allergens or irritants in the environment such as dust mites, pollen or cigarette smoke.


Epiblepharon is the presence of an extra eyelid fold in the upper or lower eyelid. It causes the eyelashes to scratch and irritate the surface of the eye

Strabismus (squint eyes)

A squint, also called strabismus, is where the eyes point in different directions. It’s  common in young children, but can occur at any age.

Ptosis (droopy eyelid)

Ptosis in infants and children is often due to a problem with the muscle that raises the eyelid. A nerve problem in the eyelid can also cause it to droop.

Book an Appointment

At Eye Specialist Southkey, we believe that every child deserves the best possible eye care, and we’re committed to helping your child achieve optimal visual health. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for your child, and let us help you keep their eyes healthy and their future bright.

Paedeatric Eye

Children’s Eye Care

As parents, we understand that your children’s health is a top priority, and their vision is no exception. That’s why our experienced team of ophthalmologists specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases in children.

Common Eye Problems for Kids.


Far-sightedness (Hyperopia)

Near-sightedness (Myopia) 


Lazy eye (amblyopia)

Occurs when one of your kid’s eye sees clearly while the other is blurry. This will cause them to rely more heavily on one eye.


Allergic eye reactions are triggered by allergens or irritants in the environment such as dust mites, pollen or cigarette smoke.


Epiblepharon is the presence of an extra eyelid fold in the upper or lower eyelid. It causes the eyelashes to scratch and irritate the surface of the eye

Strabismus (squint eyes)

A squint, also called strabismus, is where the eyes point in different directions. It’s  common in young children, but can occur at any age.

Ptosis (droopy eyelid)

Ptosis in infants and children is often due to a problem with the muscle that raises the eyelid. A nerve problem in the eyelid can also cause it to droop.

Book an Appointment

At Eye Specialist Southkey, we believe that every child deserves the best possible eye care, and we’re committed to helping your child achieve optimal visual health. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for your child, and let us help you keep their eyes healthy and their future bright.