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Dry Eyes

What are Dry Eyes?

Dry eyes is a common condition that occurs when there is a problem with the quality or quantity of tears produced by the eyes. Tears are essential for maintaining healthy eyes and clear vision. They help to lubricate the surface of the eye, protect against infection, and provide nutrients and oxygen to the eye’s surface tissues.

When the eyes do not produce enough tears or the quality of the tears is poor, it can result in a variety of symptoms, including:

  • A gritty or sandy feeling in the eyes
  • Itchiness or burning sensation in the eyes
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Blurred vision
  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses
  • Excessive tearing, which may seem counterintuitive but can be a result of the eyes trying to compensate for dryness by producing more tears

Book an Appointment

Dry eyes can be caused by a variety of factors, including aging, hormonal changes, certain medications, medical conditions such as diabetes and thyroid disorders, and environmental factors such as dry air, wind, or exposure to smoke. Treatments for dry eyes may include over-the-counter or prescription eye drops, lifestyle changes such as avoiding environmental triggers or increasing water intake, or in more severe cases, procedures to block the drainage of tears from the eyes.